Tasks and Concepts
- Bareos Console
- The Restore Command
- Volume Management
- Automated Disk Backup
- Autochanger & Tape drive Support
- Knowing What SCSI Devices You Have
- Slots
- Multiple Devices
- Device Configuration Records
- Specifying Slots When Labeling
- Changing Cartridges
- Dealing with Multiple Magazines
- Update Slots Command
- Using the Autochanger
- Barcode Support
- Use bconsole to display Autochanger content
- Bareos Autochanger Interface
- Tapespeed and blocksizes
- Tape Drive Cleaning
- WORM Tape support
- LTO-9 Media Initialization
- Using Tape Drives without Autochanger
- Storage Backends
- Data Spooling
- Migration and Copy
- Always Incremental Backup Scheme
- How to manually transfer data/volumes
- Plugins
- Python Plugins
- Director Plugins
- Storage Daemon Plugins
- File Daemon Plugins
- The Windows Version of Bareos
- Network setup
- Network Connections Overview
- Transport Encryption
- Data Encryption
- NDMP Backups with Bareos
- NDMP Basics
- NDMP Backup in Bareos
- Example Setup for NDMP_BAREOS backup
- Run NDMP Backup
- Run NDMP Restore
- NDMP Copy Jobs
- Limitations
- NDMP Common
- Catalog Maintenance
- Bareos Security Issues
- Pluggable Authentication Modules (PAM)