Warning: This document is for the development version of Bareos Documentation. The main version is bareos-21.

Bareos Host Names

All host names in example should use the example.com domain.

Also in all examples, the same names for the Bareos Director, Bareos Storage and Bareos File Daemons should be used.

If you want to display a hostname, the following formatting should be followed:


The output should look like this:


Host Names
Host name Description
bareos-dir.example.com Bareos Director host
bareos-sd.example.com Bareos Storage Daemon host, if only one Storage Daemon is used.
bareos-sd1.example.com, bareos-sd2.example.com, … Bareos Storage Daemon host, if multiple Storage Daemons are used.
bareos-sd-tape.example.com Bareos Storage Daemon with a specific backend.
host.example.com An arbitrary system, without special requirements.
host1.example.com, host2.example.com, … Bareos File Daemon